
ElectroputereParc || Mall

Electroputere Parc

Shopping Center

BRANDing | communication campaign


THE CHALLENGE: To create the visual identity for the first shopping mall in Craiova – ElectroPutereParc - and the communication campaign for its launching.

THE CONTEXT: ElectroPutere S.A. (ElectroPower) has been one of the most important industrial gear factory of the country in the Communist era, transformed now in the first proper shopping mall in town.

With over 120 stores on a total rental surface of 55,000 square metres and an investment of about 90 million euros, the developer's project aimed to transform the former production halls into a modern shopping center.

It was for the first time in Romania when a developer decided to keep the industrial appearance of a former factory and turn it into a retail project preserving the façade and elements related to the historical establishment.

THE CONCEPT: A visual identity that could combine the industrial heritage of the venue with a dynamic shopping and entertainment experience.

The factory turned into a social focal point of Craiova. Industrial shapes (keeping the façade shape in the logo mark) versus colourful and electric neon glamour with a touch of greenery.

The inspiration

The logo


Promotional materials

Outdoor/indoor promotional signage

Launching campaign visuals