Hybridology | Sophia 33
Fashion Game Mobile Application
THE CHALLENGE: Create the visual concept and digital communication mechanism for the Wolf in the Wool collection of Sophia 33 fashion brand.
THE CONTEXT: After creating the brand identity and the collection campaign, Sophia 33 wanted to find a solution to launch the brand in the digital world. I came up with the idea of a game where users could make visual juxtapositions, by combining the Sophia 33 garments with animal parts and household objects. The goal of the game is to achieve powerful images generated by the users that could become the key visuals of the official printed catalogue.
THE CONCEPT: The Sophia 33 brand is based on the idea of combining antithetic concepts: femininity/masculinity, wolf/ram, handmade/industrial, folklore/ modernism etc.
The visual concept is an extension of the brand essence. It is a poetic hybridisation of animals, apparel and daily objects.