
OPEN SHOUT | Exhibition Poster and Art Intervention


Contemporary Art Exhibition


THE CHALLENGE: Create a communication concept for the launching of the 15th edition of OPEN | International Exhibition of Sculpture and Installation

THE CONTEXT: Open is an international exhibition of sculpture and installation, held in Venice during the Venice Film Festival. Every edition has a different visual identity, created by different artists or designers. For the 15th edition, I was chosen the creative director to design the new OPEN identity.
In 2012, Europe was still feeling the repercussions of the economic crisis, and the culture was really affected by all of it. 

THE CONCEPT: I created the OPEN 15 concept starting from the real need of awareness on the fact the contemporary art had to be encouraged and sustained by the governmental structures. So I created The Shout for Art – a visceral open mouth in the state of screaming.

The visual identity was accompanied by a public art intervention for the vernissage, entitled OPEN SHOUT, structured as an international manifesto, completed by actions of people around the world.

A dedicated application was created on Facebook, where people could upload images with their shouts and their personal reason to protest. All the images have been printed on PVC flags and planted in the entrance garden of the San Servolo Island in Venice, where the opening of the exhibition took place. All the flags formed a plantation of protesting shouts of people around the world.

The pleonastic title of the intervention - OPEN SHOUT - has been chosen to convey the idea of the urgency of creating awareness around the precarious status of the international art scene. 


The Art Intervention